Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Ein Teil der Daten, die dieser Anbieter gesammelt hat, dient der Personalisierung und der Messung der Werbewirksamkeit.
Program Director Master of Digital Health
Thursday: 10:00-13:00
DigiHealthDay – Global Forum for Education, Research, Innovation & Networking; Global Digital Health; Xpanding Innovative Alliances (XiA) – EU-funded, training courses in Digital Health; Xte
Digital Health Data Integration
Areas of Research and Education:
Modules/Courses taught in study programs Master of Digital Health (MDH), Master of Global Public Health (GPH), and Bachelor of Health Informatics (HI-B):
Georgi Chaltikyan, MD, PhD is Professor and Head of Digital Health Master's at the Faculty European Campus Rottal-Inn (ECRI) of Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT-ECRI), the Founder and Head of the Research and Education Center of Digital Head at Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU-CDH), and the Founder and Chairman of Armenian Association of Digital Health (AADH).
He is a graduate of the Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia; he has been trained as a general surgeon and spent about 20 years in clinical practice in general and laparoscopic surgery. He has extensive experience in healthcare education, research, and management. From 2001-2009 he served as an associate professor at Yerevan State Medical University and taught medicine and surgery to undergraduate and postgraduate students (in English, Armenian, and Russian languages).
In 2009-2010 he was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Keck School of Medicine, the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, USA. In 2010-2015 he worked in private surgical practice at a large multi-profile hospital. He has more than 15 years of work experience in the field of Digital Health. As the founding president of a non-governmental organization Armenian Association of Digital Health (AADH), he has been instrumental in the design and implementation of several successful Digital Health projects with international participation.
Prof. Chaltikyan joined DIT-ECRI at its launch in 2015; he is the Program Head of the Master of Digital Health (MDH) that is operated as a Double-Degree Study Program at DIT-ECRI in Germany and RAU in Armenia and is responsible for several courses (modules) in Digital Health, Global and International Healthcare Management, Health Research, Health Economics, Fundamentals of Medicine, and others. He also leads international collaborative projects and programs, such as the partnership with such notable organizations as the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH), International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI), German Digital Medicine Society (DGDM), German eHealth Society (DGG), and HL7 Germany among others. He has publications on different aspects of Digital Health, is involved in several major research and development projects in the field, and is a frequent keynote speaker and moderator at international conferences. His main research focus is on Digital Health Education and Upskilling, Global and National Digital Health Policies and Strategies, and Personalized (10P) Health. Since 2019 he has been a WHO Digital Health Consultant. He is a co-founder and head of the Armenian Digital Health Initiative developed and implemented by AADH and its partners.
Prof. Chaltikyan is married and father of two children. His hobbies include futurology and philosophy, social networking, reading, singing, and occasionally engaging in extreme sports activities like skydiving, paragliding, and bungee jumping.